The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), often referred to as the “jaw joint,” plays a crucial role in many of our daily activities. Every time you yawn, talk, or chew, you are using your TMJ. To feel it in action, simply place your fingers just in front of your ears and open your mouth. When this joint becomes painful or problematic, orthodontic treatment can often provide relief and help improve its function.
What is TMJ Disorder?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most frequently used joints in the body, located just in front of your ears. It connects the jaw to the sides of your skull and works in conjunction with several facial muscles and nerves. The TMJ is responsible for the sliding and rotating motions that allow us to speak, chew, and yawn. However, there are a variety of disorders and conditions related to the TMJ that can cause significant pain and dysfunction in the jaw.

TMJ Treatment
At Charles River Orthodontics, treatment plans for TMJ disorders are personalized to each patient, taking into account their health, medical history, response to medications, and how advanced the condition may be. Common approaches often focus on managing stress to relieve tension in the jaw joints and reduce symptoms like jaw clenching or teeth grinding. In some cases, simple lifestyle changes can provide significant relief.
Non-invasive treatments, such as wearing a mouthguard or splint (typically at night), can protect the teeth from grinding and alleviate strain on the TMJ. Braces are another effective solution, especially when TMJ issues are caused by bite misalignment or malocclusion. By realigning the teeth and jaw, braces can help reduce or even eliminate many TMJ-related symptoms.
If you’re interested in learning more about how orthodontic treatments can help with TMJ, please give us a call at (781) 444-8282. We’re happy to discuss your options and help you find the best solution for your smile and comfort